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Facebook Shop Integration M2

Facebook Shop Integration

Facebook Shop Integration

  • Start selling on Facebook within a few simple steps!
  • Supports Instagram Shopping
  • Displays configurable product options
  • Displays custom options
  • Auto-resizes images to match Facebook dimensions
  • Supports Facebook Dynamic Ads
Compatibility: Magento CE 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x, Magento EE 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x

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100% Open Source


Enterprise +$100
10 Hours Of Custom Development +$100 ? You get 10 hours of Magento 2 related development done by our professionals. For the Enterprise edition - this is included in price.
Number of Licenses: 1

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60 days money
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Free installation

90 days free support

100% Open Source


Key features

  • Sync your Magento store products with your Facebook shop
    That is, the changes that you make to your products in Magento will be reflected on Facebook.
  • Enable the Instagram tagging feature
    Once your Facebook shop is set up using the extension, you are ready to enable Instagram Shopping and start tagging your products in your Instagram posts.
  • Display configurable products with options
    The extension displays your configurable products with their options in your Facebook shop.
  • Display products with custom options
    The extension display product with custom options in the Facebook shop.
  • Auto-resize the product images
    The extension allows auto-resizing the main images of the products to fit Facebook dimensions.
  • Redirect Facebook users directly to the checkout
    Once the Facebook user clicks “Checkout on Website”, the product with the options is added to his cart, and he is redirected to the checkout.
  • And more!- scroll down to see the full list of the exciting features of the extension.

Enable Instagram Shopping

After setting up the Facebook store using the extension, it's time to enable shoppable Instagram. Enabling it will allow you to tag your products in your Instagram posts. It is a huge marketing feature, and it's a must-have for any eCommerce site.

So once you finished installing the extension and creating your shop, follow our step-by-step tutorial to enable the Instagram Shopping feature for your Instagram channel.

New to version 1.1.0: Currently, on Instagram, when you want to tag a configurable product or a product with custom options, Instagram will let you select from the children products.

It is not the desired behavior, because you usually would prefer to tag the parent product, so the customer will be able to select the options before checking out.

Therefore, we added a feature to the extension that detects if the customer came from Instagram, and if yes - it redirects him to the parent product, to select the options.

Display configurable products with options

The extension allows displaying the options of your configurable products in the Facebook shop. Facebook will display drop-downs with the options of your configurable product.

The customer then can select his options, and Facebook will automatically update the product image and details. Once the customer clicks "Checkout on Website," the extension will add the product to the cart with the selected options and redirect the customer to the checkout.

The extension builds your configurable options automatically, so you don't need to do anything to set it up.

However, if you run Facebook Dynamic ads, it is suggested that you will "tell" Facebook which attributes are color, size, pattern, or material. The extension allows you to do that by creating mappings to these attributes.

New to version 1.1.0: Until recently, Facebook didn't allow displaying all possible options (only color, size, pattern, and material). Recently, Facebook started allowing all options. We adapted this to our extension, so it now supports all configurable attributes.

(New to version 1.1.0) Display products with custom options

The extension allows for displaying the custom options of the product on Facebook. Facebook will display a drop-down for each custom options. Every selection will also display the extra cost of the option for the customer’s convenience.

If you use the Facebook shop catalog for Dynamic Ads, you can also create mappings between the custom options that represent color, size, pattern, or material. This way, Facebook will know to recognize these attributes in your products.

(New to v1.0.3) Display the lowest price of the configurable product

Increase the chances that the user will buy the product by displaying the cheapest product option.

In configurable products, the price that displayed on Facebook is dependent on the default options used by Facebook. If the default options are the expensive ones, the user will see a high price. That may cause higher abandonment rates.

The extension implements a feature that maximizes the time when the lowest product price is displayed, increasing the chances that the user will browse and buy the product.

Note: The extension doesn't guarantee that the lowest product price will be displayed in 100% of the times. However, we found a way that is proven to work most of the time.

Send the Customer Directly to the Checkout

When customer clicks on "Check Out on Website", he is sent directly to your Magento checkout page. That is, the extension invisibly adds the products to the cart and displays the checkout page.
This behaviour should improve the CTR and decrease the cart abandonment rates.

Note: For bundled and grouped products, the extension sends the customer to the product page, and not to the checkout. For other product types (simple, configurable, virtual and downloadable) the customer is sent to the checkout page.

Display products' prices with or without tax

The extension allows you to define whether to add the product prices with or without tax to the feed. The extension uses the customer group that you specify in the configurations to calculate the product's tax price.

Product in Facebook shop has a sale price
The admin configuration shows the ability to set whether the catalog prices will be applied and what customer group to use to calculate them

Display the special prices or the catalog rule prices

Display the catalog rule price or the special price as the sale price of the product.

For the catalog rule prices, you can configure the customer group that you want the extension to use to calculate the price.

Supports scheduled or manual feed generation

The extension synchronizes your products using the feed file. It lets you schedule the feed file generation, or create it manually at any time.

Supports multi-store

The extension allows you to generate feed files for different Magento store views. This allows you to integrate one multi-store Magento website with multiple Facebook shops.

Select the Products that you Want to show in the Facebook Shop

The extension allows you to choose what products to display in the Facebook shop. That is, if you want just some of your Magento store products to show up in your Facebook shop, the extension lets you do that by selecting the products that you want to display in the Facebook shop.

View the Feed Generation Logs

The extension maintains feed generation logs. The logs keep the information about who triggered the feed generation (was it triggered by the cron or manually by the backend user), what product ids where added to the feed, feed generation status, possible errors and more.

The logs let you monitor your feed generation to help you to be aware of any possible problems with the feed. Therefore being able to fix the problems on time and prevent product inconsistencies in your Facebook shop.

Create Mappings for Custom Fields

Out of the box, the extension maps the Facebook product fields to the product attributes with the same names. Some of the fields (like images, link, price and special price) are created dynamically by the extension.

If you want to override the mapped fields, the extension allows you to do that using the mappings feature. Simply select the Facebook field and the product attribute that you want to be mapped to that field.

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